Some CSR activities undertaken by MSMEs

Following are some of the CSR activities undertaken by MSMEs:

The Jalandhar-based Sports Goods Foundation of India (SGFI) conducts campaigns for the abolition of child labor from the sports goods industry and the promotion of child education. It organizes tuition centers for poor children and also carries out health check-up campaigns in schools.

The Hyderabad-based S. Kumar's Agri Business Corporation brought changes through innovative, sustainable, eco-friendly green initiatives. The company's CSR foundation, GUESS (Green Universe Environmental Services Society) has been originated out of the Company's firm belief and steadfast commitment to improving sustainable livelihoods while safeguarding the environment in rural and remote areas

The Shashwat Foundation has been founded by Ahmedabad-based Shashwat Systems and its CEO personally involves in the growth of women enterprises across Gujarat and serves with zeal as a mentor to the many young and aspiring women entrepreneurs in the state. She puts sustained efforts to find talented women entrepreneurs, guides them through the journey to stay successful.

A charitable trust called HARE is being run by Sohrab Enterprises in Ludhiana. Its contributions are school, a Primary Health Centre, a Widow Stipend Program, and an Orphan Girl Marriage Assistance Unit. The company is committed to "Service to mankind, national integrity, and communal harmony" and the group's many socially responsible initiatives are purposefully designed to serve this motto.

The Ahmedabad-based Motif India Infotech generates funds for social causes through people participation as a part of its CSR. It provides the forum for NGOs and mobilizes financial support for them and creates awareness of those who provide socially responsible services the best. Every year, Motif conducts the Motif Charity Walk, an event that collects financial resources for deserving causes and popularizes such causes among people.

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